Sunday, August 21, 2016

Come Follow Me - A Peek Behind the Youth Sunday School Curtain - The Backstory

Who actually wants to be a youth Sunday School teacher ? Me, that's who!  I wanted this calling and a year ago, I actually asked to the Bishop to please call me.   But it wasn't time and so I waited, not knowing if I would actually be called.  For some reason, I felt like I could make a difference in the lives of these youth, and selfishly, this calling always refocuses my spiritual efforts.

You see, if I was called this would be the 3rd time.  Some people would wonder if God has a sick sense of humor to call a single woman who has never had children to wrangle these souls, not once or twice but three times.  Yes, I am certain He has to have a sense of humor! 

The first time I was called I was 29 years old. I was in the middle of a divorce, and my very wise Bishop knew that I needed a calling that would help me stay spiritually solid during a time of personal turmoil. That clearly happened, as I needed to be 100% on top of my game to teach that class. I didn't have that calling very long, and considered it a blessing to have survived it the first time. 

The second time I was in the Bay Area. I walked into the class and a young man sized me up and said in a mostly sarcastic voice, " So are you here for good or are you leaving ?"   I instantly felt the urge to hightail it out of that room, never to be seen again. However, I resisted that temptation and shot back my own response, " I'm here for good. Are you going some place ?"  "Nah man, I'm here."
"Good, then we'll both be here for a while. Why don't you tell me about the other teachers you have had."  Pandora's box was now open.  I sat and listened as the class shared with me the revolving door
of well meaning adults that had been in their class over the last 2 years. If my memories serves me correctly, they had 6 teachers in those 2 years. I was astounded. Why in the world would that be happening ? If there is ANYTHING youth need, it is reliable, predictable, stable adults in their lives. 
There was a part of me that was angry. I knew these youth deserved something better. 

On that day, I made an agreement to that class. I would either be there myself or I would make sure they had a substitute they both knew and were comfortable with. And I asked the Bishop to please not move me for at least a year. They needed to settle down, create bonds of trust with each other and I wanted to create a safe space for spiritual questions to be asked. I was blessed to teach those young people for 2 years before I moved to a different city.  On my last Sunday there, they invited me to join them in Sacrament meeting, and one by one they got up and bore their testimonies.... and their teacher shed tears of absolute joy to see how much they had grown and how strong their testimonies had become.  It was a send off I will never forget.

On January 28, 2016, I was blessed to receive the call to teach youth Sunday School for the 3rd time. 
I could not have been more excited! And honestly, if I had paid the slightest bit of attention to who was actually going to be in my class, I would have thought twice. I mean who can handle a class comprised of mostly boys!   I speak 2 other languages, but I don't speak teenage boy! Thank goodness for a sprinkling of young women to give some balance.  Overall, they are really great kids. 

I can say that now, nearly 7 months later. 

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing a few of the inspiring moments of teaching this group, the lessons I share and the spiritual gifts I receive from them. I look forward to sharing this journey with you. 

See you soon, behind the curtain!


And if you would like to know more about the curriculum for our youth,
click here: Come Follow Me, Youth Sunday School Lessons

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